lol thats a pic he wanted to show me of something he made... hes such a dork
hes moody, always giving me attitude, extremely indecisive, and one of the most difficult people to understand. u can say hes anything but perfect... but then again hes the one i think of all day. hes in everything i say. i cant sleep at night cause i juss think about how happy he makes me, and when i do sleep i have the sweetest dreams about him. so even tho hes anything but perfect.. he mustve done something right
ive known matt for 3 months and we been in this relationship for 1 month since yesterday. even tho we've had our ups and downs im still happy im with him.
honestly, knowing his history of relationships im surprised that we're still in this for this long and i have a feeling this is not even close to being it for us. he made me hella happy when he was like "you're the only guy that ive liked and stayed interested in for this long" haha.
last night i asked him "why me? of all the guys you've talked to why did u pick me?" he said "because u made me happy. u gave me that warm feeling that u can only get from being really happy.."
even tho so many people have been on my case about dropping him cause "i can do better" im not going to because theyre wrong. theres something bout him thats got me intrigued.
i feel like im really starting to fall for him... but it scares me...
so my bro was hella talkin bout his stupid vans tellin me how much cooler they are than mines. HAHA not even. anyways i was like "i guess u can rock ur big duck feet. but i kno somethin wayy better than ur stupid Vans and sexier than them Dunks" haha he didnt believe me till i showed him a pair of Supra Skytops. hella feelin the Gold Skytops and the Silver ones and the crazy Aoki Strapped. MMMMM yummmy hahaha